So today we had a play date, so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to pull out the jelly!
I just used normal jelly from the supermarket and made it up as per the directions. The jelly set really well, but was quiet cold when we pulled it out of the fridge (I know right, what a surprise?!).
Parker and his friend we stripped down to their nappies and both the boys were put into the bath tub for easy cleaning. We had the non slip Ikea crocodile down and sat behind the boys in case they went to fall.
At first I put the jelly into the middle of them, but neither seemed overly interested. Because of this I ended up scooping handfuls onto each of them. Surprisingly both of the boys hated it. I am not sure if it was too cold, or just the texture that they hated. But eventually they got over it and started trying to eat it.
Once the boys started to get a over the jelly we decided to run the bath with warm water. The boys enjoyed watching the jelly dissolve into the water. This certainly wasnt one of the best sensory ideas ive had, but hey it was worth a try.